
Kemai Chemical has been a major global manufacturer of rubber additives since its establishment in 2002. It boasts three major production bases including Kemai Tianjin, Kemai Inner Mongolia, and Kemai Hebei (under construction) and a global marketing network.

Since 2008, it has successively established overseas sales subsidiaries – Kemai America, Kemai South America, and Kemai Europe – providing international customers with quality products and services through an international marketing network.      

Kemai is known for its quality, technology and services, and has created an internationally renowned company.
It has become the only ”well-known Chinese trademark
Kemai.jpg ”in the industry so far.

Representing the Chinese additive industry, Kemai has joined the International Supplier Conference of Tire Enterprise on many occasions, actively maintaining strategic partnership and winning the trust and support of global customers.

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